Monday 16 February 2009

Grenson - making waves

We are both very excited to announce that we've negotiated with the good folks (Joe & co.) at Grenson in London to distribute the brand here in Australia.

As well as the shoes being really well made, they've come up with some classic styles as well as interesting variations on traditional models.

It's been fantastic to see so much international press about the Grenson product recently. They've been featured on sites such as Selectism and Men.Style.Com and in appear in the latest Esquire.

As well as designing some great new season pieces they've been busy collaborating with some very interesting brands and stores. These include expat brits Rag & Bone in the US as well as style icon, NY store Odin.
Also they have done some interesting things with London store Albam as well as Kurt Geiger.

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