Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Impressions of New York

As many of you know I was lucky enough to take some time off in late Oct/Nov for a short holiday to NYC and Montreal with my (now) fiance'.
Although it was only 8 nights in the great city there was enough time to see some of the main attractions and for me to explore the city for the first time.
Also it provided a great opportunity to see how our Cloakroom concept and product stacked up against the best there is out there.
The city is a labyrinth of stores and tiers of retail, from the Uptown swankiness of the flagship Tom Ford store to the character of Freemans Sporting Club in the Lower East Side.

At the end of the week we'd walked more miles than I could have imagined, but my two pairs of trusty Grensons were more than up to the task.

Over the next few days I'll offer my thoughts and impressions on what I saw, what I loved and what I didn't.

It's a long flight, and with a stopover, but our arrival into LA at sunrise was quite spectacular.

And then into NY from the south east across Jamaica Bay.


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